Golf Tournament Registration
Broward County Building Officials Association
8th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Oct. 9th, 2020
Orangebrook Country Club
In support of the BOIEA Scholarship Fund &
Building Code Enforcement Training Program
For the Next Generation of Inspectors
Sponsorships include: Hole in One, Long Drive, Closest, To the Pin, Putting Competition, Drink Cart, Goody Bags, Million Dollar Shot, Dinner and Lunch
Tournament & Tour sponsorships Includes: Diamond Package (Premier service on the course, extra dinner &raffle tickets, invitation to BCBO Annual Bar B Que, and ad in Annual Conference.Program
Eagle & Birdie Sponsorships include: Gold Package extra raffle tickets ad in Annual Conference Program
In support of the Building Officials and Inspectors Educational Association Scholarship Fund & Building Code Enforcement Training Program for the next generation of Inspectors. The Broward County Building Officials Association is a professional not for profit volunteer based organization comprised of Code Officials and Inspectors that provide for the safety, health & welfare of all residents & visitors in Broward County.
Orangebrook Country Club, Hollywood Florida
Hollywood Blvd West of I-95 South on Entrada Drive
Registration Open at 11 A.M.-Shotgun at 1 P.M.– Awards Diner and Raffle to Follow